Wednesday, February 25, 2009


ForTheLoveOF...This was another one of those instances where I passed a CD in the used section of Hastings and was intrigued by the cover, and the title "feasting on the will of humanity". It was only for $2.99 so I thought eh what the hell, if I don't like it I can throw it out the car window. Boy do they kick ass. New Jersey produces some good bands.
If you are a fan of harvest then you'll probably enjoy these guys a little bit more.

Click here for sharefolder. ForTheLoveOF-Feasting on the Will of Humanity

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cave in

heavy. pretty much the only way to describe this one. its fucking great. In - Beyond In - Until Your Heart

All Else Failed

Listen too these albums and i bet they will be your favorites. if not your fucking crazy. Else Failed - A Most Bitter Else Failed - This Never


Awesome 90's band. extremely pissed off and just another favorite! The Seraphim

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Morning Again - The Fallen...The Few That Remain

Best thing to ever come out of the state of Florida. I remember my friend, Tyler, introduced to this band a couple years ago, and bought me this CD for 3 bucks at a merch stand. Though I can't remember what show it was this is one of those bands who seriously brought me over into the love of 90's hardcore/metal bands. Such a unique sound.

If you are a fan of Earth Crisis, and Cherem then you will probably love these guys.

Click for Share Folder. Morning Again - The Fallen...The Few That Remain